A medida que aumenta la temperatura, un CONDUJOvoltaje directo, o la cantidad de voltios que necesita un diodo para transportar electricidad, gotas. Como resultado, el LED consume más corriente y se calienta cada vez más, finalmente quemándose. esto se llama “fuga térmica“. Para evitar esto, un conductor Es necesario alternar la corriente.. Su LED eventualmente se quemará si no usa el controlador correcto, poniendo así en peligro tus cultivos en tu cuarto de cultivo. Por eso escoge bien controladores LED para las luces de cultivo es crucial.
Al comenzar su investigación, Aprenderá que seleccionar el mejor controlador implica un poco más que simplemente cumplir con los requisitos de potencia y voltaje.. Debe pensar en la configuración en la que se utilizará su controlador.. ¿Requiere salvaguardias adicionales?, como impermeabilización? ¿Desea la opción de atenuar su iluminación??
Aunque seleccionar los controladores LED ideales para luces de cultivo puede parecer un poco difícil, no necesitas preocuparte. Los expertos en MokoLight estamos aquí para ayudarte.
Por qué Is It Iimportante para Elegir Alta calidad CONDUJO Dríos para luces de cultivo?
Energía Costo Sahorros
Los controladores LED pueden proporcionar una luz duradera con un flujo constante de electricidad. Sin embargo, porque se utiliza menos electricidad en ese sentido, el ahorro de energía son mucho más pequeños. La mayoría de electrodomésticos pueden ahorrar hasta 75% de sus costos de energía. Son ventajosos para el cultivo comercial a gran escala..
Más extenso lsiscacerola
Es necesario un suministro constante de energía porque el controlador LED sirve como suministro eléctrico principal para el propio LED.. Extiende la vida útil del LED y los hace más efectivos que luces convencionales. El controlador integrado suele averiarse primero en el caso de bombillas LED de mala fabricación.
mejor para doLED de control Flamedor
El parpadeo visual será menos notorio cuando se utiliza un buen controlador LED con electrónica de alta calidad.. El parpadeo se hará más notorio a medida que el controlador comience a fallar.. Esta es una indicación de que el conductor no logra gestionar el flujo de energía.. Las bombillas bien diseñadas para enfriar son prueba de ello.. El parpadeo es principalmente invisible para el ojo humano ya que las unidades de energía exteriores se ven menos afectadas..
Qué Are Común Tipos de controladores LED?
Los controladores LED vienen en varios tipos, cada uno diseñado para satisfacer ciertas necesidades y usos. A continuación se muestran algunos tipos típicos.:
Controlador LED de corriente constante
Mantiene una salida de corriente constante a los LED., independientemente de los cambios en el voltaje de entrada. Se utiliza con frecuencia cuando es necesario un control preciso de la corriente del LED para garantizar un brillo y un rendimiento constantes..
Controlador LED de voltaje constante
A diferencia de los controladores LED de voltaje constante, El controlador LED de voltaje constante ofrece un voltaje de salida estable al tiempo que permite que la corriente fluctúe. Se utilizan con frecuencia cuando varios LED necesitan una fuente de voltaje constante y están conectados en paralelo..
Controlador LED regulable
Este controlador permite a los usuarios cambiar el brillo de la iluminación.. Diferentes técnicas, como control analógico de 0-10 V, PWM, o DALI (Interfaz de iluminación digital direccionable) protocolos, se puede utilizar para controlarlos. Los controladores LED regulables contribuyen enormemente al ahorro de energía.
Controlador LED de CA
Este tipo de controlador tiene como objetivo convertir directamente CA (corriente alterna) voltaje a la CC necesaria (corriente continua) voltaje para luces LED. Se utilizan con frecuencia en aplicaciones de modernización donde ya existe una infraestructura de aire acondicionado., eliminando el requisito de una fuente de alimentación AC-DC adicional o un controlador LED.
Controlador LED integrado
Se incluye un controlador LED integrado en las luces LED.. Dado que el controlador y el LED están contenidos en una sola unidad, Proporcionan una solución compacta y optimizada.. Muchos dispositivos de iluminación a pequeña escala, como downlights y bombillas LED, incluyen controladores integrados..
Corriente continua de alto voltaje
Esta tecnología es bastante reciente en la industria LED.. Para alimentar unas cuantas docenas de luces de cultivo, usa enorme, distante, y conductores más eficaces. Las luces de corriente continua de alto voltaje tienen la principal ventaja de utilizar Clase 2 cable, que es seguro para que una persona promedio lo maneje entre el conductor y el accesorio. Como resultado, Ya no es necesario contratar electricistas para instalar controladores de corriente continua de alto voltaje.. Como se utiliza un solo controlador para varios accesorios, Los controladores remotos también pueden reducir el costo del dispositivo..
Estas son sólo algunas variaciones de controladores LED.. Se debe elegir el controlador LED correcto en función del voltaje de entrada., atenuación requerida, las propiedades individuales de los LED, y similares.
Cómo Selegir el Bien CONDUJO Dríos para luces de cultivo?
Corriente constante vs.. voltaje constante
Cada controlador tiene voltaje constante. (CV), corriente constante (CC), o ambos. Lo primero que debes pensar al tomar una decisión es esto. Cuál elegir dependerá del tipo de luz de cultivo LED y las especificaciones de la hoja de datos de los controladores LED. Los dos conductores más populares para luces LED de cultivo son controladores de corriente constante y controladores de voltaje constante.
Los controladores de corriente constante generan un nivel de corriente constante independientemente de la temperatura exterior.. Emplean circuitos de sensores que permiten al conductor realizar los ajustes apropiados a medida que aumenta la temperatura interna de la luz de crecimiento., controlar la corriente y evitar la fuga térmica. Rara vez violan la corriente máxima recomendada para iluminación LED., que ofrece una protección suprema contra el desgaste y la fuga térmica. Comparado con otras opciones, También tienen una tendencia a producir luces que son continuamente más brillantes..
Los controladores de voltaje constante tienen un rango de voltaje de salida fijo desde 24 a 48 voltios. Funcionan bien con tiras de luces y son una tecnología más conocida entre los ingenieros de instalación.. Por lo tanto, pueden ser una mejor opción para los grandes productores comerciales.. Los controladores de voltaje constante suelen costar menos en general, sin embargo, Los costos pueden variar según los requisitos del cliente..
Tanto las opciones de corriente constante como las de voltaje constante pueden estar disponibles en algunos controladores LED.. Normalmente funcionan en modo de voltaje constante., cambiar al modo de corriente constante cuando la corriente de salida supera el límite de corriente especificado. Esta capacidad es apropiada para situaciones que requieren un controlador LED flexible..
Requisitos de energía
Voltaje de salida / Actual
Think about your light’s voltage requirements first. Employ a 12-volt driver if your LED needs 12 volts to run; a 24-volt driver if it needs 24 voltios, etc.. The current output of a constant-current LED, which is expressed in amps or milliamps, must also be taken into account when selecting a driver. En una palabra, ensure that your LED driver will attain power outputs within your grow light specified range: take into account both voltage and current range when using constant-current drivers and voltage range when using constant-voltage drivers.
Voltaje de entrada / Actual
Próximo, take into account the location’s voltage supply, where you’ll be employing your light. Your driver must accept the input voltage of the area where you’re operating your light so it can scale it down to the proper output voltage. The typical voltage for conventional residences is 120 voltios, but the majority of commercial or industrial facilities use 277 voltios. If you’re unsure, it’s advisable to check with an electrician. Most drivers accept a variety of input voltages. De nuevo, the current input of the LED must be taken into account when selecting a driver for a constant-current LED.
Low Inrush Actual
Since LED drivers are typically capacitive from the input side and vertical farming calls for high power density of the light up to 5kW per square meter, there can be very high inrush current once the system is powered on, and the inrush may lead to the MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker), especially in the existing lighting system that used escondido previously. The market for grow lights is especially in need of low inrush luminaires.
Perhaps you want to provide your plants with the most natural indoor growing environment possible, minimizing plant stress and maximizing crop health and production. Para hacer esto, you could simulate the sun’s natural rise and set. If you want to save money, you could want to turn the lights down while your crop is in veg and turn them back on when it’s time for fruiting or flowering. You could simply desire a little bit more control over your lights.
In either case, a driver with dimming capability is required for this. This can be accomplished either manually (usually using a toggle-style switch) or remotely. This functionality is typically only required for high-end LED lighting systems that demand precise light level control. Sin embargo, even if you buy an expensive LED grow light, you won’t be able to make use of its benefits if you don’t have dimming capabilities.
Max Wattage
Think about how much power your light needs. Select a driver whose maximum wattage is more than that of your light. A grow light that uses more than the driver’s maximum wattage or less than 50% of the driver’s maximum wattage is not wise.
Efficiency measures how much of the input power the driver can really utilize to power the LEDs. 80 a 85% is the typical efficiency range, but UL Class 1 drivers that can power more LEDs are often more efficient.
Factor de potencia
How much of an actual power load the driver places on the electrical network is indicated by the power factor. The range of the power factor is from -1 a 1. The driver is more efficient if the power factor is closer to 1. A common benchmark for power factor is 0.9 or higher. In the absence of a power factor specification in a driver, it is assumed that the device has a low power factor, one that is below 0.9.
Life Expectancy
It’s crucial not to purchase foreign LED drivers with parts made at a low cost. Your LED lighting supplier will offer an extensive collection of high-quality, warranty-backed drivers. This provides you with more assurance in the event that the internal electronics are damaged.
Drivers will have an MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure) life expectancy measured in thousands of hours. You can determine the recommended esperanza de vida by assessing the operational level at which it’s being used. Running your LED driver at the suggested outputs will help it last longer and require less maintenance, saving you time and money.
IP Ratings
Users can learn from IP ratings how much environmental protection a driver’s enclosure offers. Protection against solid objects is specified by the first number, while protection against liquid bodies is specified by the second number. Por ejemplo, a driver with an IP67 classification, as shown in the chart below, is safeguarded against dust and temporary submersion in water.
The second digit is so important to grow lights. The humidity produced in grow rooms can cause serious damage to exposed electrical components whether you have one plant or a hundred. If you’re installing your LED driver somewhere like a bathroom, you should also make sure it’s waterproof.
UL Class 2 vs UL Class 1
Since UL Class 2 drivers meet UL1310 requirements, their output is regarded as safe to contact and no significant safety protection is needed at the luminaire level. Electric shock or fire is not a concern. These drivers work using less than 5 amps, less than 100 vatios, and less than 60 voltios (dry) y 30 voltios (wet). These constraints place limits on the quantity of LEDs a Class 2 driver may run, despite making it safer.
UL Class 1 drivers have output ranges beyond UL Class 2. They produce high voltage and safety protection should be given inside the fixture. Compared with a Class 2 driver, a Class 1 driver is more efficient since it can support more LEDs.
For US companies, always search for UL listing, and for European brands, look for CE listing. This indicates that these products have received safety and fire prevention certifications. This product certification seal confirms that brand certification has been accepted. For usage in homes and offices, any LED light or LED driver with these insignia on the product packaging is secure.
Energy Star Ratings
This listing serves as the benchmark for all energy-efficient products. You may check the rating of your driver to determine how well it performs. It provides a quick estimate of how much you can save on electricity. Además, it provides the Kilowatts that the product will consume annually. Only when they are fully assembled in a kit form do LED drivers have an energy rating. The Energy Star rating will appear anywhere on the box.
Easy Controllable or Programmable
Since photosynthesis and light output are connected, we should theoretically be able to better regulate LED brightness. At differ stage of growth, plants will need various amounts of light exposure and light spectra to tailor their exact needs. Este, a controlled LED driver is crucial.
Easy Connection
Traditional waterproof light systems use M12 connectors, while traditional grow light markets use RJ12 connections. Growing numbers of growers are now realizing that M12 is a much more reliable connector than RJ12, but RJ12 continues to be the standard due to its low cost and simplicity of maintenance. Along with the simple adjustment knob option, MokoLight offers both solutions on the market.
Do you require an enclosure for your LED driver? Or will it be included in a device or system? Open-frame LED drivers are smaller and easier to integrate into your application, whereas stand-alone LED drivers are protected and given IP ratings by encapsulations.
Circuit Protection
Quality electronics definitely make a difference, even though the tiny electronic components found inside an external unit aren’t supposed to endure forever. The location of these heat-insulated circuits inside the driver will be important. This may be a sign of how long they will continue to function correctly. Check to see if the LED driver circuits have heat shields or a ceramic covering. Además, light bulbs should have a visible cooling design to direct heat away from delicate circuits inside the power supply base.
Termination Method
Flying wires are sometimes included with LED drivers, but occasionally you may need to buy wires separately. Además, there are screw or poke holes for fast cable mounting to the driver.
Numerous customizations, including controlling protocol, physical interface and the like are typically required for a better horticulture light sistema de control. Customization is thus a vital task for growers, and MokoLight is a reputable provider that delivers customization for the LED market.
LED Drivers for Grow Lights: The Bottom Line
Opting for the right LED driver for grow lights is essential. Most fixtures can use constant current LED drivers, which are still the most popular type of LED driver. Sin embargo, alternative solutions, such as high voltage and constant voltage, can meet more particular requirements.
Whatever kind of driver you choose, keep in mind to take into account variables like input and output voltage, maximum wattage, and dimming abilities. The optimal driver for your grow lights will require some time and research, but it is well worth the extra work. An LED grow light will quickly burn out if the wrong driver is used.
MokoLight LEDs Light are the way to go. As an industry-leading manufacturer of LED drivers, our LED drivers all feature long service life, low rush current, supreme circuit protection, surge protection, dimming abilities, and a right IP rating for your grow settings. We offer constant voltage, corriente constante, constant power, high voltage direct current LED drivers, and the like to better fit your growing environment. Más, our LED drivers are certified by UL, ETL, CE, and RoHS certifications. Get in touch with us for the best LED drivers for grow lights.