Moko Laboratory
With its own laboratory, MOKO has integrating sphere optical tester, plant light spectrum analyzer PLA-30, high and low-temperature impact tester, waterproof tester, constant temperature and humidity tester, transportation Vibration Test Machine etc. To ensure our products perform more stable, efficient and durable, each of new led light need to pass a strict reliability test.
AC Power Source
AC Load Instrument
Aging Test Equipment
AOI Machine
Band-Binding Machine
Soldering lines
Capacitor Leakage Current Tester
Crystal Oscillator Tester
DC Electronic Load
DC Power Supply
DC Power Supply
DDS Signal Generator Counter
Electroacoustic Tester
Electron Microscope
Horizontal Goniophotometer
High and Low Temperature Test Equipment
LCR Meter
Integrating Sphere Tester
LED Testing
LED Testing
Network Analyzer
Portable Inspection Device
Precision LER Meter
Programmable Constant Temperature and Humidity Test Equipment
Spectral Test
Spectrum Analyzer
Temperature and Humidity Test Equipment
Tensile Test Equipment
Tensile Test Equipment
Testing Equipment
Thermal and cood shock test equipment
TRMS Digit Multimeter
Two Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Vibration Test Equipment
Waterproof Test Equipment